#dont ask me timeline pls bc i dont know either
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player week prompt 1: "We're old friends. From her school days."
rating : gen, no major archive warnings i believe
characters: carmen sandiego, player(makes sense), and vera cruz. mentions of julia :)
disclaimer: i don't usually write stories so this is probably really bad im so sorry
additionally brain went no at the first prompt so my first ones an alt oof
i swear that these will get better.
Player squinted at his phone, double checking that the address was right. He ignored that this was the fifth time he'd done this, and that it was most definitely the right address. 
After all, it was probably best to make sure that the orphanage where your best friend found their mother was the right one, since, y’know…it’d be kind of awkward to just go up to a random lady and be like, “Hey, I know your daughter” and have her not know which one you were talking about. 
He took a deep breath and smoothed his hair anxiously, still not ready to even ring the bell. He was possibly about to meet Carmen’s mom for the first time in the at least ten years he’d known Carmen, sue him. 
A couple of kids in the yard looked at him weird. Player did his best to ignore them, still extremely nervous.
Finally, his shaking fingers rose to ring the doorbell. The sudden ding! of the doorbell sound made him wince.
A pretty woman with hair the color of the red-brown soil appeared at the doorway, her eyes crinkled. 
“Hello. Who are you?” she asked.
Player fumbled for a second, then replied, “Uh, my name’s—---but you can call me Player. I’m…a friend of Carmen?”
“Oh! You must be the boy she talks about in her stories, then? How do you know her?” Carmen’s mother asked. While she seemed perfectly friendly, Player noticed the slightly hostile undertones in her voice. He approved. That wariness had probably kept her and Carmen safe when Carmen retired for a bit.
“We’re old friends. From her school days. Uh, but, I’m not part of VILE. Sorry,” Player said, automatically using his usual excuse before realizing that it would likely not go over well with whatever Carmen had told her mom.
Before either of them could say anything more, Carmen appeared behind her mother. 
“Player!” she exclaimed, seemingly excited to see her old friend. Player put out a fist and the two fist-bumped. 
“Didn’t expect to see you here, Red,” Player joked, and Carmen winked.
“Decided to go on vacation for a bit. You caught me a couple days before I was going to go meet Julia at her college, actually!” Julia had worked at ACME for a few more years before deciding that the siblings had it under control. Chief told her to do whatever made her happy, so she went back to being a professor. She was somewhat of an Oracle, helping out with cases from behind the screen.
“Come in, it’ll be better than standing out here,” Carmen urged, and Player smiled, stepping into the home that his best friend had found.
@playerappreciationweek i think this is how you do it? apologies in advance lol
also sorry i dont have ao3 so,,,hopefully this will do!!
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cloudcountry · 2 years ago
hello my fellow solomon enjoyer in christ !!!!!! i hope you dont mind me dropping knto your inbox (i wanna befriend more solomon enjoyers if u dont midn that either ><) outta nowhere
your solomon snippet fromnthe other day is still stufk in my head (because firstly it heavily aligns w my own hcs and your writing is heartwrenchingly beautiful!!!) so i was wondering what other angst sol hcs you have !!!
have a lovely day !!! (also this is my fourth attempt bc tumblr keeps on crashing in the middle of writing this ask……. 😭)
HELLO!!!!! i dont mind one bit pls drop by whenever!!!! i am super excited whenever i see something in my inbox :D !!!!
FRIEND ??? YES I WOULD LOVE THAT i dont rlly have any obey me moots AAAAAAA RATTLING YOU RN
i have quite a few actually SO SO SO IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE JEHFHRGHGHRGRH YOU HAVE A GODO DAY TOO!!!! THANK YOU <33333 (tumblr is so annoying sometimes HELP)
His whole hehe haha jokey thing when he flirts with MC? It's because he doesn't want to get too attached because they're MORTAL but he's so desperately in love with them that he'd do anything for them!!! We've seen it!!! This man would fight DEMONS more powerful than him and go up against ANYTHING just so you're safe!!! GRAHHHH that scene in Nightbringer when Belphie was like "I'm mad." and Solomon was like "And you think I'm not?" FUCK THAT LIVES RENT FREE IN MY MIND I THINK ABOUT IT SO MUCH. Actions speak louder than words!!
He's had multiple nightmares about losing them to a demon, especially Belphegor because he actually killed MC. He also dreams of Lucifer threatening them (ANOTHER thing that happened in the OG game, but this was one that Solomon actually witnessed) except this time Solomon can't get to them and before he knows it their eyes are lifeless and he's the only one that seems to care on the dancefloor of demons who laugh at the existence of humans.
There's a small part of him that wants to convince MC to attempt to become immortal just like him so he can see them all the time, though the bigger part of him knows that isn't right. Please tell him it's okay to be selfish.
Every day, he insists on taking a picture of you. He has a secret little scrapbook of pictures and memories of you, daily memories of you. It doesn't matter if all you did that day was video call him, he'll take a screenshot of your smiling face and put that in his scrapbook. He does this so he'll have a timeline of your relationship, from the day one of you confessed to the day you pass. He'll be able to remember anything and everything about you even when you aren't there anymore.
Whenever you cuddle with Solomon and he rests his head on your chest, he's listening to your heartbeat. I actually think most if not ALL the obey me cast would do this (ESPECIALLY BELPHIE!!!!!!) just to check that you're still okay and haven't been hurt.
He has a habit of checking you for injuries whenever he sees you. He'll run his hands down your arms and down your waist just to make sure there's no wounds. It's become so habitual that he doesn't even really realize he's doing it anymore.
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bazooka-overkill · 1 year ago
okay yay brainrot won the poll. also i might psot dragon chan headcanons requested by wallet becuz yaaaaaayyy
uhhh also i dont really gaf about timelines. so if something doesnt line up time wise. ignore it. shh
ermmm cw for child fighting!! mr sandman didnt have the best middle school experience
i need this man so badly PLS MR. SANDMAN ONE CHAAAAANCEEEE
who typed that omg…
GENERAL SANDMAN INFO (canon + headcanon)
full name: isaiah joseph banks
birthday: april 12th
age: 31
height: 6’5” (197 cm)
weight: 284 lbs (129 kg)
origin: philadelphia, PA, USA
gender: cis male
sexuality: bisexual (might be in denial lmao. men say theyre fighting demons and the demons r bisexuality LMFAO)
victoria banks, mother, alive
george banks, father, alive
no siblings
- insomniac. goes between sleeping for 11 hrs during the day and not sleeping at ALL, also explains the eyebags in his TD
- incredibly horrible sleep schedule. stems from his childhood
- also stems from his childhood but not exactly the best at socializing w other people
- somehow is friends w glass joe. don't ask me how it works they just ARE (and they may be a little. fruity.)
- has one of those light up squishy things that u hit to change the color. yeah he either fucking SLAMS that thing or gently pats it when he wants to change it. it’s a bunny for anyone curious
- goes thru the 5 min nap to the 5 hour nap pipeline. “oh im just gonna take a small nap,” then wakes up w the blankets all over the fucking room, the god damn windows r open, he’s somehow upside down, etc etc
- him and the ref have beef after his TD victory animation
- was one of those kids that would be on his knees near some mulch playing w the roly polies on the playground. he'd have like 20 in his palms in 5 minutes
- if u catch him right when he wakes up (like. RIGHT right when he wakes up) he accidentally calls people “baby.” it’s a habit he picked up from his mom and he’s pushed it back into his mind, but it slips when he isn’t exactly thinking (totally not projecting my own habits onto him guys)
- adding to the above that the person who originally found this out was glass joe. take that as you will
- he sends some of his boxing money to his parents to support them (he’s a mamas boy LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE)
- doesn’t exactly search for a relationship, believes that when he decides he’s ready for one the right person will find him
- gets dragged into world circuit outings by either super macho man or aran ryan. on the rare occasion it’ll be soda. one time they all went bowling and sandman watched aran ryan throw a bowling ball like a fucking baseball and it broke the ceiling
- knows how to make a MEAN philly cheese steak. will be mentally freak out (positively) if someone mentions they’ve never had one before. if he wasn’t so stoic he would be jumping up and down and going “YAAAAAYYYYY🎉🎉🎉” becuz he finally gets an excuse to make one for someone
- has 100% almost broken the world circuit ring's ropes (see his intermission animation in contender)
- his locker in the locker rooms is either completely spotless or dented to hell and back. bonus points if theres like. a fake succulent in there or some shit
- luvs animals. takes pics of cool animals he sees anywhere
origin backstory thing under cur bc its long
isaiah joseph banks, known as his boxing alias mr. sandman, was born on april 12th to victoria banks and george banks in the Doylestown Hospital. born to loving parents, isaiah grew up as an only child.
isaiah learned to keep to himself and care for himself very early on, as both of his parents were usually at work. they worked hard to provide for isaiah and themselves, but always put their son first. they
the time they spent at work would be made up at home, albeit this time could never be fully made up for a young isaiah. he had spent more time with babysitters and nannies than his own parents. of course, isaiah knew his parents loved him, but all the bonds that were supposed to be formed hadn’t; the time frame had passed.
the time they did spend together was… memorable, really. not in a bad way, but every moment— every waking minute— made isaiah into the man he is today.
every night, when his mother was home early enough, she would sing him a soft lullaby. when she wasn’t, his mother had recorded this lullaby onto a tape for him to listen to. this lullaby was the song that made mr. sandman: Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes. it wasn’t a typical children’s lullaby by any means, but by god he loves that song— present tense intended.
then, a problem arose: school. starting middle school is one thing, but isaiah found out how cruel children could be.
isaiah was big, to put it lightly. five foot six at age 12 was enough ground for bullying, and being dropped off by a few different babysitters/nannies in the morning only added to the ammunition.
with how big he was, the bullying never went farther than verbal harassment. soft giggling every time he talked in class, glances from across the classroom, the bullying was subtle except for the occasional direct blow to isaiah.
his boxing interest began when he was thirteen, where his parents enrolled him in a self defense class that revolved around boxing and the sort. they had found out about the bullying from the babysitters, as isaiah had been reporting what they had been saying to him. there, young isaiah learned the basics of boxing: dodging, punching, and jabs had been added to his arsenal.
isaiah had always relished in the safety of knowing that he’d never get attacked at school, but unfortunately this was false.
it was brutal really; the poor boy had been caught in the bathroom and was attacked from behind, slammed his face into the sink, and assaulted from there. it took around two minutes for teachers to hear the commotion, but they were two minutes too late.
there, isaiah was brought to the hospital. no one truly knows the full extent of his injuries, minus his parents. if you look closely at mr. sandman, his top teeth are a little crooked.
nothing exactly eventful happened other than he moved schools, and everything was smooth from there.
his boxing career began to take off when he was 17, when he met an old babysitter of his— one who had taken care of him up until he was 13. he had become a boxing coach and offered to take isaiah up as a student.
if you ever ask mr. sandman in an interview about his boxing idol, he’d most likely say his coach. that man taught him nearly everything he knows, and even taught him the dreamland express move that mr. sandman is most known for, albeit modified.
mr. sandman picked up his alias when his coach told him about the WVBA and their boxers. it was almost inevitable he’d choose mr. sandman in honor of his mother.
he had his first fight at age 18, where it went swimmingly well. records of this fight have been lost to time, but, according to word of mouth, mr. sandman nearly killed the poor man.
i gotta be honest w u all idk how to continue this. umm mr sandman meets a wvba recruiter and then uh yah.😁😁😁
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lezarus · 6 months ago
hello! i have a question about your video editing process if you don’t mind :3 you’ve mentioned using imovie right? do you have to like, insert your clips along the audio track in the order you want them to appear in?
i ask bc i’ve been wanting to get back into video editing, but i’ve found the inability to freely place clips along the audio to be a big turn off from imovie, which is what i’m primarily used to using.
basically is that something you just have to deal with or am i totally missing some basic functionality of the program? tyvm and sorry if this is confusingly worded lol
as far as im aware its just one of those things that you cant do. which is rly annoying. the way ive found to get around it is either by inserting a picture into the timeline (i usually just use a black image so i know where the space begins and ends) and editing around that or ok ill try to explain this i hope it makes sense: ill import two clips from another project at the same time which have a clip in the middle and this creates a ‘gap’ clip which is blank that you can use in place of a clip. so for example if i had clips 1,2 and 3 in another project i would copy clips 1 and 3 leaving out 2 and paste them into my timeline in my current project to create a gap. which you can then trim or expand to be the appropriate length etc
idk if there are easier ways to do this and if there are i will feel very stupid but thats how i make the program work for me! imovie is deeply clunky but ive been using it for like 4 years and i simply do not have it in me to learn how to use another program. and i dont wanna do anything particularly special with like visual editing i prefer to just make cuts to music so it works for me! hope that all made sense if i can help with anything else pls let me know! have fun!!!
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hiraethhh-h · 5 years ago
throwing a weighted blanket at the om! bros + undateables (and a bonus)
warning(s): some swearing, threats of torture, implied nsfw, spoilers. 
note: no supernatural beings or humans were hurt in the making of this- also this was inspired bc my mom bought a weighted blanket and its heavy af 
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the demon brothers
i- chile do you have a death wish???
momentary shock at how cute your laughter sounds (but he would never say it out loud unless you two were alone)
prepare to be chased and in demon form once he gets himself together
this man can ZOOM (i mean he does chase after mammon)
when you get caught, oH boY 
you’ll be lectured for hours on end 
“what made you think that was a good idea, mc?”
“and delete that recording of me. immediately.”
don’t worry levi is sure to save a secret file :)
anyone you were in cahoots with will be lectured and punished too
but your punishment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
is completely caught off-guard
crooked glasses and messy hair once he removes the blanket off of him
“why’d ya do that mc!!!”
if you tease mammon about being unable to handle the weight of the blanket-
*mammon rant activated*
“the great mammon can totally handle weight!!! i used to lift more than beel ya know!!!”
“hey! quit laughing at me mc!!!”
gets all flustered when you admit you were just teasing him to see his cute reaction
awe bby boy
probably forgives you if you promise to spend quality time with him for a few days
dont be surprised if he holds a grudge tho 
prepare to smother him with snuggles and cuddles to make him forgive you :)))
oh boy, you’d best be ready to deal with the consequences if you throw a weighted blanket onto him
especially if he’s doing a game run-through or grinding through a game 
“okay... just a little more and- ACK!”
like mammon, totally caught off guard since he was so focused on his game
*game over flashes on his screen*
“NOoOOo!!! My ScoRE!!!”
oh shit...
chile- you best hope you can run from levi 
pissed off at you like that one time during the TSL tournament
one of the other demon bros has to interfere and stop levi
“that stupid normie made me mess up my perfect score!!!”
mad at you for a few days 
and he will hold a grudge
but decides to forgive you if you stay with him as he plays through the game again
“i only forgave you because you’re the only one who’d love a yucky otaku like me...”
“and because you’re my henry.”
ok now you really have a death wish but i would probably do it too tbh 
ah... nothing but a normal day for satan
a cup of his favorite piping hot tea, a book, and the fire place next to him...
nothing could be better :)
“what the fuck-”
tea spilled all over him and his book with the weight of the blanket = enraged satan
prepare to feel his WRatH
“so you thought this would be a great idea..?” 
turns into his demon form
threatens to try all kinds of torture methods on you and whoever was in cahoots with you for ruining his reading time >:(
satan will probably apologize to you for that and maybe to the other person depending on who it was
after that
satan will come back with his own little pranks for weeks on end
and when he finds out that you kept a recording of the little incident
he’ll keep his pranks up until you finally yield
“alright. i’ll forgive you just this once, and you owe me a new copy of that book.”
“you also better delete that video if you know what’s good for you, mc.”
“mc, no my hair and makeup!!!”
practically yeets the blanket off of him to protect himself
i would probably be surprised someone could yeet a heavy ass blanket off themselves but asmo is a demon so he has inhumane strength
*asmo pissed off 3000*
“mc! if you messed up a single hair on my head or ruined my makeup
*dark chuckle*
“i would’ve made sure i ruined you in more ways than one”
hHhhhH- be my guest asmo 
“oh well, i guess i’ll forgive you just this once.”
yay! forgiveness never felt so good-
“if you promise to spend quality time with just me~.”
he will literally take you out shopping the whole entire day
dresses you up in god knows how many outfits
but at the end of the day, when you both return back to the house of lamentation, he’ll take very very good care of you~
tries to bathe with you but lucifer catches wind of it :(
sore feet? asmo to the rescue!
“ne, you will delete that video right?”
tbh the blanket would just feel like a normal blanket to thicc man :)
it also probably falls to the ground awkwardly
 *looks at the blanket then to mc*
“i think you dropped this”
*picks it up like it weighs nothing and hands it back then continues to eat whatever he was munching on*
whoever you’re in cahoots with either expected that to happen or is in shock with you lmao
while you’re reviewing the footage you can see beel’s muscles flex as he picks up the blanket :))))
later, beel will probably confront you about what happened 
“oh... that was supposed to be a prank..?”
seeing how kinda bummed you looked made beel kinda sad since your prank didn’t go as planned :(
what better than to make it up to you with food! :D
brings you all sorts of snacks and takes you to hell’s kitchen to make you feel better
“next time you prank me, i’ll definitely be caught off guard.”
is napping when you decide to try your sneak attack
as we all know, he kinda sleeps like a brick around mc so he’ll probably be indifferent to your giggles unless he gets curious
when you throw the blanket onto him
he snuggles into it
“this is really warm mc... is this what the humans call a weighted blanket..?”
belphie moves the blanket to make room for you
“why don’t you come nap with me since you’re already here..?”
snuggles and cuddles with belphie + warm weighted blanket = your heart melting :)
it’ll probably be hard to get up tho since you’re in belphie’s arms and underneath the heavy ass blanket rip
i ain’t complaining tho 
is probably confused for a moment
until he feels the weight of the blanket
“this reminds me of some sort of torture device...”
picks it up out of curiosity until you tell him what it is
“oh! i see, you were trying to see what would happen when you threw this onto me!”
would probably ask if he could throw it at you too
but he realizes that you’d get hurt
“why dont we start a prank war?”
 but like i feel like it would be fun to have a prank war with Dia :D
plus he gets a break from all of his princely duties and you get to spend some quality time after with him ;)
poor barbatos has to clean up after most of the pranks tho :(
he’s doing some chores around the castle as per usual
until you sneak up on him 
or so you thought ;)
when you throw the blanket at him, barbatos catches it like it weighs nothing
he’s in a little momentary shock for a split second then comes back to reality since he was so focused on his chores
i wouldn’t be surprised bc he does do a helluva lot of things
“i hope you didn’t forget that i can see the future and different timelines.”
also knows that you recorded the little prank and decides to indulge you and let you keep it
“perhaps you can try again next time?”
cooks you up some food to make it up to you
blinks in shock as the blanket is thrown over him
just laughs and removes the blanket
“If you were trying to surprise me, it worked.” 
he’d gently drape it over you and pull you into his arms
aklsdhjlaksdfjlk i want it too-
“i’ll have to leave soon though… Diavolo asked me to join him for tea at his castle today.”
simeon lets you go and smiles at you
“i would say don’t plan anything while im gone, but I can’t stop you.”
probably practicing spells or sum when you decide to strike
like some of them, he’d be shocked momentarily
“what’s this? Trying to sneak attack me?”
*queue the solomon smirk*
definitely would try to get back at you
be prepared bc this is one sneaky sorcerer
getting food at hell’s kitchen and need some ketchup?
solomon is there for you
but it isn’t ketchup ;)
its hot sauce ;)))
at the end of the day, solomon means well and laughs off all his pranks with you
bonus character!
i- why would you wanna throw a blanket at the smol child???
if you do which i hope you dont… pls do it gently
luke would probably pout and sulk at you and get rather upset
simeon would be like >:o
“how could you hurt my child?”
to make it up to luke, simeon would make sure that you bake with him
luke is down for it too, nothing’s better than a baking buddy! :D
long story short, pls PLS do not throw a weighted blanket at luke unless you want to evoke the wrath of everyone :)
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years ago
Well, my wifi is not back, and wont be anytime soon. The very earliest luckiest would be getting it back by Tuesday (unlikely). The very worst my house burns down so theres that /lh /hj
This sucks so much because I really cannot read asks I dont see in real time, I have the same amount of reading comprehension for them as I do Frankenstein XD
Dm me links to any important syndicate asks I miss while I'm gone 👍
Bannnnnn I tried to draw the Jekyll brothers but Kent? Is inconsistent? The database (what I use) showd him as a clean shaven guy with a bit messy hair but google is showing Kent as a completely different model? Neat hair, Brokenshire beard. Like it's the ingame "identify" zoom in and I cant check whats right before I already killed himmmm
Anyway here art <3. I know I said I'd draw the DTIYS first but art inspiration is stored in the Syndicate au <3
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Also I've been thimking about Henry wearing a mask +plus ponytail to hide his identity like for the past two days. Yknow those theater masks? The weeping and laughing? He wears the sad one while in the Blighters and Templars and the happy one while in the Rooks because hes a dramatic theater nerd. Also! I like to think that if Jekyll has to be a templar he'd still wear the Blighter uniform when he could and pretend hes not high ranking. He gets away with it because Crawford doesn't care about him and Roth lives for chaos
I also drew Henry in a mask and ponytail but it's not done yet 😔
Also I did the math the the twins are 3 years older than Jekyll. Like thank goodness first of all because I fully went into ship entirely unaware on if there were canon ages or a scary difference. But also Jacob being 3 years older than Henry is kinda funny to me
All of Evie's outfits (besides her default) are bad and I'm gonna fist fight the designers because the secrets of london (where I only searched the locations of 3) is so bad, especially with the effort needed. How did they do Jacob so good, but utterly fail with Evie /lh
NOOOOOOO D: Man, I really hope you will get it back asap, and also that your house don't burn down!!
Man, if I don't know your struggle rn. However I shall do my best to link you to every syndicate ask that I will get from here on out bc I don't tend to get small asks for that au so <3
Huh-- oh wow you're right. I wonder if it is a set design or just a bit on random depending on the save file... I killed him a long ass time ago so I have absolutely no idea how he looked like <3
EITHER WAY OH MY GOD IT LOOKS AAMZING. I love??? How you gave all three individual personalities in just a single picture??? Kent looks like he is seconds away from murder and I LOVE Henry in the templar outfit, it fits him so well??? Man I really want to start thinking more of this branch. Would the entire Jekyll family be Templars so the trio got that role inherited? Are Raphael and Kent unidentical twins and Henry is the odd-one-out because he is the youngest? Were the three of them really close in Scotland, but left as soon as possible bc their family was abusive, only for Kent and Raphael to find refuge in the Templar Order while Henry goes to university? Would they still have that brotherly love if they were close as kids even when they are in the Order, or would they have a falling out and start despising each other (or Jekyll @ the older brothers at least)? Would Raphael and Kent secretly be protective of Henry and manage to keep him out of Starrick's line-of-sight so that Henry won't get in trouble for defying orders/ignoring them? Would they force Henry to join the Templars with threats or would Henry mostly feel obligated to join them? Since the Templar Order isn't illegal in London, would other people know that Jekyll is a Templar, or would he keep it hidden from the public? Would his brothers help hide his identity?? SO many questions and I'm so sad I won't be able to discuss them with you :'c
(also can I just say I love the poetic differences between their clothing. Raphael is just wearing a waistcoat/basic clothes and he is a brute and more open, Kent is wearing more clothes/layering up and he is the "brains" out of the two of them, Jekyll is wearing the most layers and is almost trying to hide himself and I just... *chief's kiss*)
Henry being a dramatic theater nerd and stealing Roth's costume supplies to hide his identity bc he is so ashamed of it and doesn't want people he knows to know about it my beloved <3 Plus the blighter uniforms doesn't look too far off of what he normally wears so he could probably use that as an excuse whenever some other Templar gets up his ass about not wearing the right clothes, yet it still doesn't make Henry feel any better knowing he has to bear the knowledge that he is actively wearing discreet blighter clothes to keep the Order happy and the public oblivious, knowing what cause he is reluctantly supporting. (him joining the rooks and suddenly coming into the Society all dressed in green lol)
Anyways I have now also decided that Maxwell and Henry are friends bc they both hate the Templars and Crawford and Henry gets to star in many of the plays he sets up. Plus they are both slightly insane so they match each other good.
YKNOW WHAT I WAS DAYDREAMING ABOUT WHILE BRUSHING MY TEETH RIGHT AFTER THIS ASK? Jekyll being forced to be the one to murder his brothers and the twins trying to track the murderer down just to know who tf are killing their targets, conveniently at the same time Maxwell starts meeting Jacob. Henry watching Jacob from afar getting smitten by him but keeping a distance bc he knows Maxwell is possessive, Jacob being the first to befriend Henry after Maxwell explains that both of them are against the Templars and Crawford, Jacob saving Henry during the fire of the theater? Yes pls <3
Thank god bc here I was imagining an age gap of like idk 15 years bc of the differences in the timeline but! I'm just going to keep the canonical age difference while also shoot the timeline up a lil so that the events of Syndicate and TGS takes place at the same time but they are the right age and stuff, just bc I do not like Evie's and Jacob's older designs and I do not want to imagine them meeting during the Ripper dlc <3 Also the thought of Jacob being older than Henry is funny. I think Henry has a type /j
They are so fucking bad and I'm going to scourage the Nexus to see if I can find any good redesign mods because they are so fucking bad. But to be fair, all female main characters' outfits are bad. Pearl? Lucy Thorne? Mfs looks like vampires. Even more reasons for why I only play Jacob, bc all other outfits on Evie are bad <3
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alterlifes-a · 6 years ago
tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create that muse/s: well , if you’ve been with me long enough then you know that tooru started out as an AU ! o.ikawa t.ooru, where instead of attending s.eijou , he went to s.hiratorizawa ! to be honest , i kind of just wanted to try my hand at writing that kind of thing ? it was the very first time i had made a tumblr rp blog , so i had no idea that people rp different verses of the same character on one blog !! i originally rp’d on deviantart , and it was very commonplace to have different blogs for different verses ... i had over 70 rp blogs on there and most of them were literally the same 2 characters but in different AUs LMAO ... so imagine my surprise when i saw people rp’ing different AUs on one blog ... RP’ing multiple muses on one blog ... !! but i kinda just stayed with my iteration instead of playing canon ! kawa anyway , since i didn’t really see the point in starting over . as tooru developed more , though , i began to use him as a venting tool because this was a part of my life where i was really depressed . but as time grew on and i eventually made him into an OC , he became a much happier character . he really is my best friend ; he’s been there for me through it all , and even though he’s just fictional , i really owe him a lot for helping me out during rough times .
What is inspiration for that muse/s: well , currently , a lot of things ... lots of music , japanese culture + religion , and also my own experiences . in general , i have a p.interest board for him , so ... maybe you could say i draw inspiration from that , too ! i also rly enjoy the band MILI . their songs really fit tooru , like ‘ bathtub mermaid ’ . i’ve also been listening to hello , again and am planning on drawing something based on it for him ( + the song’s prequel , “ goodbye ” ) . i mainly tend to daydream while listening to songs , so ... yeah . as for characters who serve as inspiration for tooru ... well , i think that’s an artist meme , so i might just fill it in in lieu of answering this properly lol ... but two i can think of off the top of my head are leon from f.ire e.mblem e.choes and n.eferpitou from h.xh ! 
Thread/AU that made you really happy: B.NHA AU ... !! i’m hyperfixating sm on that one ... idk , a lot of planning and plotting goes into it , esp since a lot of my mutuals are in the fandom . in particular , i love love love the story i’ve created with @noquirk . i literally cannot envision a more perfect plot for tooru in this verse . heck , it’s literally my main go - to timeline when i draw / write for it . tooru is , quite literally , not very much in this AU without deck .
Something really special on your wishlist: sh ... more ships ... ships to draw and animate and make animatics to ... also i need to get my butt into gear and finish my JRPG AU group lol .
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: blease tooru help me get thru the school year ... also i have some animatics in the back burner so i’m looking forward to getting those done !
Share something related to your muse!: his canon story , in parallel motion , deals with existentialism and alternate universes . ultimately , it’s a story that serves as a physical manifestation of my own struggle with depression , and while it’s sombre in tone , i want it to tell whoever’s reading it , “ you matter . ” it’s why tooru is placed into so many marginalized groups ; he’s fat and trans and biracial and bi and suffers from bpd + depression + anxiety but he’s a good person through it all ... his story is tragic because he’s not allowed to exist and will be forgotten when he dies , but his existence impacts so many other characters’ lives ... it’s a butterfly effect kind of thing . because you exist , you’ve made so many peoples’ lives better . and i understand it’s rough and i understand depression + sucky real life aspects try to convince you otherwise , but just ... think about it . there’s an alternate universe where , because you don’t exist , something huge was probably impacted . and even on a smaller , more intimate scale --- if you hadn’t existed in another life , then one of your friends might not be here . they might not be as happy as they are now , because you make them happy . life can be awful . but it’s wonderful and beautiful , too . that’s what i want tooru to be to others . someone to look up to and relate to , and someone who tells you , “ it’s okay ! ”
What do you think about character’s design/how do you came up with this: he’s ... kinda generic LOL mainly cause he’s based off of o.ikawa looks - wise due to his origin ... but part of his looks also derivate from an old ask blog muse i had :
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i just really like that bangs - over - one - eye hairstyle ngl ... also i have no idea how / when his hair became maroon - brown since o.ikawa’s hair is chestnut brown , but ... yeah . also have no idea when he gained red eyes HDKJSFS,,,, i find fangs appealing on a character though , so that’s why he has fangs and does the :3c ... honestly i think i kinda just slapped together what i like in a design and put it on him , so even though he may look like an NPC ( lol ) , he’s still appealing in my eyes .
What your muse taught you: how to love being alive ... ( i’ve actually written an essay for a class about how he’s helped me through depression haha ... he means a lot to me , can you tell ? )
What is roleplay for you: all of you are awful and yet here i am anyway so really this says more about me than anything else .
Just say something nice about other mun!: @onfaith you are my ANGEL you mean sm to me and i wish u all the best with your studies  /  @tikkvn i love u sm cass ur an amazing person n a wonderful existence never forget that  /  @juuheart notay is my fave bleach chara also ur art is so cute  /  @wuvlite if i die all my money goes to u so u can keep drawing holy SHIZ ur art is #inspiration  /  @queznak ur very interesting and charismatic as a person  !!!  /  @uzvisen idk how to spell ur url this took me 3 tries but also ilysm  /  @conhnhaketon i also cant spell ur url but i hope ur doing well n ur eid was good , ik we’ve both been busy but i would live for u  /  @quirkthief ur one of my fave ppl i will forever tag u in shibes also i’ve supported u in u saying afo was hot even when he looked ugly n now i get to watch everyone who made fun of u writhe bc he is rly rly hot hahaha  /  @noquirk you’re so talented pls never stop what ur doing  /  @aerve you’re rly cool !!! 100% support u in everything u do ! >:0  /  @starbooms aries ur so creative ugh ... ur mind !!!!!! ik we don’t talk much but ur v fun  /  @bendsair i forget what other blogs ur on but chris ur the coolest #TalkRomania2Me  /  @creatied we don’t talk much either but ur graphics r so aesthetically appealing wowzers !!  /  @daimnas i’m wuv you amari !! also my french sucks but uhhh comment ca va ( i’m too lazy to find the accented ‘c’ dsfhi ) ??  /  @soarsun i’ve only known u for a few weeks but if anything happened to u i would kill everyone on this website n then myself  /  @quirkgifter nanners is the coolest n nana is the best grandma in town  /  @natsutodoroki im so jealous u got a canon url as ur rp url LMAO but also ur rly cool n fun even tho we dont talk too frequently !  /  @lechors​ LINNEA I WILL DIE FOR U RIGHT HERE RIGHT N---  /  @ YOU READING THIS BC I’M ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP : YOU’RE AWESOME AND GREAT !
Tagged by: stole it from @queznak Tagging: whomstever 
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nohshinwoos · 7 years ago
I need help! I am a real casual phan like so casual I don't really consider myself a phannie at all. Like the thought of them being together makes me happy but the thought of them being friends only doesn't bother me either. I don't read phanfics or do phan art or anything like that cause I just respect them 2 much but I also feel like this is bc I dont kno things that hardcore phannies know about. Like 2009 phan? Dan deleted so many videos idk how I could ever see them :( - read my next ask pls
I guess my question is, if I wanted to invest myself in phan more how do I do that? Like i want to ship it more but idk how to know about the things u guys know about.. like where do I find things out how do I do it. Help me. (Idk why I want to destroy my life more with shipping phan and letting it hurt mE BUT I NEED TO AND I WANT TO DOes this make sense please help likE WHAT DO YOU KNOW THAT I DONT KNOW HELP
read the 2009+2010 timeline, they completely destroyed my life for a while and made me even more of a phannie than i already am.. everything in the timelines are real, but have been deleted by dnp since. (they’re here and here, i hope the links work i’m on mobile rn) have fun :D
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virtuissimo · 7 years ago
Ghost Quartet asks
Didn't feel like waitin on yall to send these in so i just did it in one go lmao
1. Favorite character
        Define "character" lmao, but roxy probably
2. Favorite timeline
        JJDJFFF uuuuh probably usher but i like....all of them
3. Favorite song
        The Astronomer most likely...or I Dont Know
4. Favorite performer?
5. Live album or recordrd album?
6. How much of the plot do you think you understand?
        At this point i think i understand like essentially all of the plot but theres still some good chunks of symbolism iv gotta work out
7. Least favorite song/song u skip most often
        Ooooh uuuh i dont usually skip them but , fathers & sons! And bad men i think. I usually dont have enough time to finish the album so i havent heard midnight or the wind & rain in a while lmao
8. Favorite non-sung/spoken line?
        I REALLY dont know if this counts but, the opening bits of usher pt. 1
       "I suffer from a family evil, i am a slave to terror, i have a morbid acuteness of the senses, i only eat the most insipid foods, only wear clothes of certain textures. The odors of flowers are oppressive to me. My eyes are tortured by faint light, and there are only certain peculiar sounds which do not inspire me with horror. I dread the future. My little girl is dying."
      Ik its e.a.p's text, but the delivery and style is so mesmerizing to me.
9. Favorite lyric
        At the moment it's "let me read you a story, let me read you a romance/i will read you will listen, and this terrible night will pass"
10. Do you have any ships for the show? If so what are they?
        I don't really, just because i like ALL of their dynamics at some point in the story (pearl x astronomer, rose x driver a la Midnight, "youre a good cello player brent," rose red and the bear (lISTEN), soldier x rose) so i kind of see it as a state that transcends the permanent? So i cant really ship anyone myself lmao but theres a lot od cool pairings
11. What's your favorite non-confirmed theory?
       Uuuh all of mine lmao
12. Have you produced any artwork/content for Ghost Quartet?
       Ddjjdkd im working on something intensive right now, and i have written a 6-page explication essay for The Astronomer, but not much actual art surprisingly
13. Which role would you most like to play?
        Gosh either Gelsey or Dave. For characters, the soldier or the astronomer lmao those r the ones i had in mind
14. Which Usher song is your favorite?
        Oh I love them all, at the moment it's pt 3 but i flip between that and pt 1 all the time
15. The Starchild, Roxie, Rose, or Rose Red?
         Fuck. Starchild or Roxie....or rose....no imma go with roxie, love the vengeful zombie
16. Subway or the Photograph?
17. Four Friends or Any Kind of Dead Person?
         UuuuUuuuuuUUUUH four friends atm
18.  The Gelsey/Brittain dance in Monk or the Dave/Brittain dance in Midnight?
          MONK OBV
19. The Astronomer or The Telescope
         The Astronomer lmao
20. Fathers & Sons, or Lights Out?
          Lights Out!!!!! I play with that melody on the piano bc of all the delectably awful half steps
21. Tango Dancer or Hero?
22. How did you first get into Ghost Quartet
         Aaa someone wrote a rec post on here, dont wanna @ anyone cuz im not mentally prepared lmao
23. When did you first start listening?
        Dear lord probably like 2 months ago? Wait i was still in houston, so it was like mid august probably
24. What's your favorite moment (musical or vocal) in the show?
         The vocalization at the beginning of Soldier & Rose
25. Are you going to/have u seen Ghost Quartet?
         Goin in January with my main slice @sonyalone if the celestial mandate maintains
26. What's your favorite bizarre connection in the show? (E.g., edgar telling the story of pearl and the pusher in usher pt 3, Shah Zaman becoming the Man In Iran in the Astronomer, etc)
         I love the idea of ancient Persian Scheharazade talking about edgar allan poe, so that lmao
27. What moment would you love to see live/what moment did you love the most live?
         Lights Out or side 3 seems to have really cool set design, so that! But also the usher parts
28. If you could ask Dave Malloy one question about the show, what would you ask?
        Fucky um probably id ask about the timeline where rose is the mother and pearl is the daughter, HOW DOES THE LOOP COMPLETE
29. Have you read either the fall of the house of usher or arabian nights?
    Iv read the fall of the house of usher like 6 times cuz of high school though i admittedly had to get the plot summary for this cuz i forgot most stuff about it lmao
30. Have you read the show's Genius annotations? If so, what's your favorite annotation by Dave?
       In Usher pt 3 he says he plays some weird notes on the live album cuz he cant see the instrument and i think thats hilarious and also is a mood
31. What part of the show disturbs you the most?
        ??? Not really any of it??? I thought it was pretty gorey in camera shop when rose is like "ya , crows, corpses, &cannibalism pls"
32. What part of the show confuses you the most?
    Like I said, probably just a lot of symbols that I'm angry I still havent gotten lmao, particularly the Armor/Sword symbolism (a lot more nuanced than one might think 😂)
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